Question of the week: Which out of the three TV lift cabinets listed below is our best seller?

1.) Willowcraft

2.) The Estates

3.) Banyan Creek

Now Listen Up!  Here are the rules.


1.) In order to play, you must send an email to The subject line must read: Best Seller

2.) In body of email, you must include the following: TV Lift Cabinet answer, Your Full Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address.

Only one vote per household will be considered! Kate will personally respond to each contestant notifying them whether they are a winner or not. If a contestant has answered correctly, their name will be added to the winner’s circle. When a contestant is ready to purchase TV Lift Cabinet, contestant can simply call us at 561-417-0999. Contestant must notify us they are on the winner’s circle to redeem discount. Every Thursday, we will reveal the answer on our Thursday Reveals.