happy holidays The holiday season is a time that is supposed to draw out good cheer and compassion toward each other. For some, however, the demands of the holiday season can be overwhelming as more and more tasks get added to already busy schedules. If you’re feeling the stress, we urge you to take a few moments to yourself and take a deep breath. Then take another deep breath. Then exhale slowly. Let this be a time to celebrate all the things that are right in your world. Focus on the positive and remove things that add stress to your life. Walk away from the smart phone and spend quality time with people you enjoy. And as 2017 draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the past year and those who have helped to shape our business. It’s been quite a year for us all. We hope that the year has been just as memorable for you and your loved ones. There is no greater joy than an opportunity to reflect on what really matters. May your holidays and New Year be filled with the joy and peace of the season.