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  • Makers of Fine Furniture Since 1975

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TV Cabinets

  1. Upgrade Your TV...and Your TV Cabinet

    Have you been putting off a TV upgrade for fear that the new 52” plasma your hubby has been eyeing will dominate your well–appointed den? Fear no more! Today’s big screen high-definition plasma televisions have their OWN appointments – TV lift consoles and cabinets!In the same way your cosmetics compact operates – you open your compact to powder your nose...
  2. Upgrade Your TV...and Your TV Cabinet

    Have you been putting off a TV upgrade for fear that the new 52” plasma your hubby has been eyeing will dominate your well–appointed den? Fear no more! Today’s big screen high-definition plasma televisions have their OWN appointments – TV lift consoles and cabinets!In the same way your cosmetics compact operates – you open your compact to powder your nose...
  3. Protect Your Family, Secure Your TV

    While parents often go above and beyond when it comes to safety devices on electrical outlets and child-proof locks on cabinets, often times they neglect to remember one of the most dangerous parts of their homes: the TV. According to a study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 134 children died between 2000 and 2006 as a direct result...
  4. Protect Your Family, Secure Your TV

    While parents often go above and beyond when it comes to safety devices on electrical outlets and child-proof locks on cabinets, often times they neglect to remember one of the most dangerous parts of their homes: the TV.According to a study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 134 children died between 2000 and 2006 as a direct result of...
  5. Protect Your Family, Secure Your TV

    While parents often go above and beyond when it comes to safety devices on electrical outlets and child-proof locks on cabinets, often times they neglect to remember one of the most dangerous parts of their homes: the TV.According to a study by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 134 children died between 2000 and 2006 as a direct result of...