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TV lift cabinets

  1. Is Internet-Based Television the Way of the Future?

    Intel Corp. has announced its plans to offer an Internet-based television service to consumers in the United States.  Intel has been pitching to media companies their plan to create a virtual cable operator that would offer U.S. TV channels over the internet as a bundled service. Intel is just one of many in recent months that have announced plans to offer...
  2. Apple Butts Head with TV Content Providers

    In order for Apple Inc. to carry out Steve Jobs’ TV vision to have Smart TVs available for TV Lift Cabinets, they need to secure TV content.  However, they aren’t getting the streaming video content they need.  The reason is they are not playing nice with TV content providers. Apparently, Apple wants to call all the shots and dictate the...
  3. Technology Patent Wars Continue in Europe

    Microsoft recently filed a formal complaint with the European Union’s competition regulator against Motorola.  Motorola which recently got bought by Google, holds key patents on technologies necessary to stream video content to TV Lift Cabinets and connect wirelessly to the internet. "We have taken this step because Motorola is attempting to block sales of Windows PCs, our Xbox game console...
  4. Google is Making Smart Glasses

    If you are already eyeing the Smart TV for your TV Lift Cabinet, you may also be interested in Google’s smart glasses.  It is rumored Google’s X office, a secretive lab working on futuristic Google projects, is building glasses that will stream real-time information right to its lenses. The smart glasses will be Android-based and feature a built in camera. ...
  5. Comcast Launches Online Streaming Service: Xfinity Streampix

    We knew it was only a matter of time before cable companies offered video streaming services.  As cable prices skyrocket, Americans have been turning to online video streaming companies to meet their television needs.  Online video streaming companies such as Netflix have been stealing thousands of customers from cable companies forcing the cable giants to reconsider their service packages. To...