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  1. Google is Making Smart Glasses

    If you are already eyeing the Smart TV for your TV Lift Cabinet, you may also be interested in Google’s smart glasses.  It is rumored Google’s X office, a secretive lab working on futuristic Google projects, is building glasses that will stream real-time information right to its lenses. The smart glasses will be Android-based and feature a built in camera. ...
  2. Google is Making Smart Glasses

    If you are already eyeing the Smart TV for your TV Lift Cabinet, you may also be interested in Google’s smart glasses.  It is rumored Google’s X office, a secretive lab working on futuristic Google projects, is building glasses that will stream real-time information right to its lenses.The smart glasses will be Android-based and feature a built in camera.  The...
  3. Google is Making Smart Glasses

    If you are already eyeing the Smart TV for your TV Lift Cabinet, you may also be interested in Google’s smart glasses.  It is rumored Google’s X office, a secretive lab working on futuristic Google projects, is building glasses that will stream real-time information right to its lenses.The smart glasses will be Android-based and feature a built in camera.  The...
  4. Comcast Launches Online Streaming Service: Xfinity Streampix

    We knew it was only a matter of time before cable companies offered video streaming services.  As cable prices skyrocket, Americans have been turning to online video streaming companies to meet their television needs.  Online video streaming companies such as Netflix have been stealing thousands of customers from cable companies forcing the cable giants to reconsider their service packages. To...
  5. Comcast Launches Online Streaming Service: Xfinity Streampix

    We knew it was only a matter of time before cable companies offered video streaming services.  As cable prices skyrocket, Americans have been turning to online video streaming companies to meet their television needs.  Online video streaming companies such as Netflix have been stealing thousands of customers from cable companies forcing the cable giants to reconsider their service packages.To meet...