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TV Lifts

  1. Tobeii Technology Introduces User Eye Controlled Laptop

    So much for controlling computers with a mouse or touch screen! According to a new article released by TechNewsWorld, the latest method to control your computer is with your eyes. Tobeii Technology has recently unveiled their latest computer, a laptop controlled by movement of the user’s eyes.  By eyeing parts of the screen, the user is able to open and...
  2. Tobeii Technology Introduces User Eye Controlled Laptop

    So much for controlling computers with a mouse or touch screen! According to a new article released by TechNewsWorld, the latest method to control your computer is with your eyes. Tobeii Technology has recently unveiled their latest computer, a laptop controlled by movement of the user’s eyes.  By eyeing parts of the screen, the user is able to open and...
  3. Meet The Team

    Out of the answers below, can you guess why people are hesitant to buy online? A.      Cannot see the product in person. B.      Does the finish look exactly as it does online? C.      Concerns over online security. D.      Do not feel comfortable doing business with people they have not had the opportunity to meet face to face. E.       All of...
  4. Meet The Team

    Out of the answers below, can you guess why people are hesitant to buy online?A.      Cannot see the product in person.B.      Does the finish look exactly as it does online?C.      Concerns over online security.D.      Do not feel comfortable doing business with people they have not had the opportunity to meet face to face.E.       All of the above.If you answered “E”...
  5. Meet The Team

    Out of the answers below, can you guess why people are hesitant to buy online?A.      Cannot see the product in person.B.      Does the finish look exactly as it does online?C.      Concerns over online security.D.      Do not feel comfortable doing business with people they have not had the opportunity to meet face to face.E.       All of the above.If you answered “E”...