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  • Makers of Fine Furniture Since 1975

  • Trusted by 250,000+ Customers


  1. Laser TVs: Cool Idea but Won’t Fit in a TV Lift Cabinet

    A California company, Prysm, has released the next “big thing” in television technology, literally and figuratively - a quad HD laser TV, or LPD (laser phosphor display). It works by bouncing laser beams off phosphor pixels embedded in a glass and plastic screen. The result is a television that is low in power consumption (using one-tenth of what a plasma...
  2. Want to Limit TV-Viewing for Your Children? Hide the TV!

    Though not all TV-viewing is bad for children, as long as the amount is properly moderated, you may want to make it easier to limit the amount of TV your children watch. And ImportAdvantage can help! Children sometimes want what they see others have – it happens with everything from candy to a friend’s teddy bear. It’s a natural reaction...
  3. Want to Limit TV-Viewing for Your Children? Hide the TV!

    Though not all TV-viewing is bad for children, as long as the amount is properly moderated, you may want to make it easier to limit the amount of TV your children watch. And ImportAdvantage can help!Children sometimes want what they see others have – it happens with everything from candy to a friend’s teddy bear. It’s a natural reaction to...
  4. Want to Limit TV-Viewing for Your Children? Hide the TV!

    Though not all TV-viewing is bad for children, as long as the amount is properly moderated, you may want to make it easier to limit the amount of TV your children watch. And ImportAdvantage can help!Children sometimes want what they see others have – it happens with everything from candy to a friend’s teddy bear. It’s a natural reaction to...
  5. Wynterhall TV Lift Cabinet on “I Hate Your House”

    The ImportAdvantage Wynterhall TV Lift Cabinet was recently featured on DIY’s television program, “I Hate Your House.” The show is very popular among DIYers who love to get their hands on projects that improve their homes and lives. “I Hate Your House” features a brother-and-sister duo, Jonathan and Nicole O’Leary, who intervene when homeowners begin to hate their houses...