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Makers of Fine Furniture Since 1975
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  • Makers of Fine Furniture Since 1975

  • Trusted by 250,000+ Customers

Your Living Room/Family Room

  1. Send Us Your TV Lift in Action!

    ImportAdvantage receives numerous positive comments about its products every day. However, there is a saying that goes “a picture is worth a thousand words,” so we are asking our customers to share with us pictures of their TV lifts in action. Whether you have come up with a unique use for our TV lift mechanism, the Uplift, or you have...
  2. Send Us Your TV Lift in Action!

    ImportAdvantage receives numerous positive comments about its products every day. However, there is a saying that goes “a picture is worth a thousand words,” so we are asking our customers to share with us pictures of their TV lifts in action. Whether you have come up with a unique use for our TV lift mechanism, the Uplift, or you have...
  3. Why Interior Designers Love ImportAdvantage TV Lift Cabinets

    Are you an interior designer, or are you thinking about hiring one to decorate your home? Interior designers love ImportAdvantage’s line of TV lift cabinets, and here’s why. Our pop-up TV cabinets can create that “WOW” effect in any room, and their performance is unmatched by any other vendor. Our TV lifts are incredibly reliable, easy to use and quiet...
  4. Why Interior Designers Love ImportAdvantage TV Lift Cabinets

    Are you an interior designer, or are you thinking about hiring one to decorate your home? Interior designers love ImportAdvantage’s line of TV lift cabinets, and here’s why.Our pop-up TV cabinets can create that “WOW” effect in any room, and their performance is unmatched by any other vendor.Our TV lifts are incredibly reliable, easy to use and quiet, and designers...
  5. Why Interior Designers Love ImportAdvantage TV Lift Cabinets

    Are you an interior designer, or are you thinking about hiring one to decorate your home? Interior designers love ImportAdvantage’s line of TV lift cabinets, and here’s why.Our pop-up TV cabinets can create that “WOW” effect in any room, and their performance is unmatched by any other vendor.Our TV lifts are incredibly reliable, easy to use and quiet, and designers...