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  • Makers of Fine Furniture Since 1975

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TV Lift Cabinet

  1. Protect Your TV During Playtime

    Do you have young ones in your house?  Do you have teenagers in your house?  Do you have husbands who like to watch sports in your house? If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you know what dangers a playing child can present to a large and expensive television.  A bouncing ball, a baseball bat, Nerf gun...
  2. As Seen on TV

    That's right, Import Advantage has made it to the big screen that we so often support with our merchandise. The Banyan Creek TV Lift Cabinet has been featured as a prize item on the popular show, “The Price Is Right.” This particular cabinet is perfect for a TV that has both a large and flat screen. It allows you to...
  3. As Seen on TV

    That's right, Import Advantage has made it to the big screen that we so often support with our merchandise.The Banyan Creek TV Lift Cabinet has been featured as a prize item on the popular show, “The Price Is Right.”This particular cabinet is perfect for a TV that has both a large and flat screen. It allows you to display, or...
  4. As Seen on TV

    That's right, Import Advantage has made it to the big screen that we so often support with our merchandise.The Banyan Creek TV Lift Cabinet has been featured as a prize item on the popular show, “The Price Is Right.”This particular cabinet is perfect for a TV that has both a large and flat screen. It allows you to display, or...
  5. Upgrade Your TV...and Your TV Cabinet

    Have you been putting off a TV upgrade for fear that the new 52” plasma your hubby has been eyeing will dominate your well–appointed den? Fear no more! Today’s big screen high-definition plasma televisions have their OWN appointments – TV lift consoles and cabinets! In the same way your cosmetics compact operates – you open your compact to powder your...

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