Spring is still a little ways away, but why not get yourself in the mood by starting a little spring cleaning?  It would be better to get it done now while the weather is still less than pleasant.  You wouldn't want to spend the first nice day of spring inside scrubbing and sweeping.

If you do plan on getting a head start, don't forget to clean an important part of your home that often gets overlooked:  your entertainment center.  Below are a few tips to consider so that you can make your entertainment center both clean and organized.

1)Take Stock:  Most people keep their DVD/VHS/Blue-Ray Disc collection in their entertainment centers.  Take some time to make sure that all of the actual discs are in their right box and that all the boxes are in their right spot. Perhaps you could go through your collection and remove the movies that you don't want as often and move them to a storage location. Keep your center up to date with your current trends.

2)Check Behind:  You'd be surprised at what you might find behind your entertainment center. Pull your unit away from the wall and make sure to clean whatever you may find.

3)Dust:  This is important.  Dust build ups can contribute to you getting sick.  To fight this, you'll need to dust everywhere.  This means actually removing everything in or on your entertainment center and really giving the whole unit a good dusting.  This will keep your house clean and your family healthy.

If you are the kind of person who doesn't have the time to do a full-scale spring cleaning, then at least try to accomplish these three tips.  They are important and will help you feel better about your home.