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  • Makers of Fine Furniture Since 1975

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  1. Incorporate Asian Inspired Décor in Your Home!

    While many design trends come and go, one constant has been the popularity of Asian inspired design. Identifiable by its clean lines and natural elements, Asian influences not only create a stylish room but also inspire relaxation and a feeling of zen. Fortunately, TV lift cabinets can fit perfectly into Asian décor when you pick the right design. The Tao...
  2. It's Trivia Thursday Reveal

    Hi all, It is time to reveal the answer to our weekly Friday Trivia Contest. Question: What is Sara’s Favorite Crystal Pointe TV lift cabinet finish? The correct answer is Brown. Congratulations for all those who made it to our winners circle and received 10% OFF.  If you did not guess correctly, you can always play again tomorrow.
  3. It's Trivia Thursday Reveal

    Hi all,It is time to reveal the answer to our weekly Friday Trivia Contest.Question: What is Sara’s Favorite Crystal Pointe TV lift cabinet finish?The correct answer is Brown.Congratulations for all those who made it to our winners circle and received 10% OFF.  If you did not guess correctly, you can always play again tomorrow.
  4. It's Trivia Thursday Reveal

    Hi all,It is time to reveal the answer to our weekly Friday Trivia Contest.Question: What is Sara’s Favorite Crystal Pointe TV lift cabinet finish?The correct answer is Brown.Congratulations for all those who made it to our winners circle and received 10% OFF.  If you did not guess correctly, you can always play again tomorrow.
  5. It's Friday Trivia Day - Save 10% OFF!

    Every Friday, we will ask you a question about one of our staff.  If you get the question correct, you will receive 10% OFF your next TV Lift cabinet purchase!  If you get the answer wrong, don’t worry.  Simply play again next week.   Question of the week:  The Crystal Pointe TV lift cabinet is available in three finishes –...