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  1. The Pros and Cons of TV Technologies: LCD, DLP, CRT and Plasma

    Since the first sparks of TV invention and electrons occurred in Philo T. Farnsworth’s Hollywood apartment back in 1927, the television has undergone space-age advancements in technology. Gone are the days of black-and-white screens, rabbit ears and, most recently, analog TV signals. Today, most households are watching TV on one of four television sets: LCD, DLP, CRT or Plasma, and...
  2. Samsung TV Apps Reach One Million Downloads

    In early December, Samsung hit a remarkable milestone with its apps marketplace on its HDTVs. Since they became available to consumers in March 2010, one million applications have been downloaded. And while there are not nearly the number of apps available as there are for the iPhone (134k+) or Android (100k+), reaching one million downloads for only 200 available...
  3. Samsung TV Apps Reach One Million Downloads

    In early December, Samsung hit a remarkable milestone with its apps marketplace on its HDTVs. Since they became available to consumers in March 2010, one million applications have been downloaded. And while there are not nearly the number of apps available as there are for the iPhone (134k+) or Android (100k+), reaching one million downloads for only 200 available Samsung...
  4. Samsung TV Apps Reach One Million Downloads

    In early December, Samsung hit a remarkable milestone with its apps marketplace on its HDTVs. Since they became available to consumers in March 2010, one million applications have been downloaded. And while there are not nearly the number of apps available as there are for the iPhone (134k+) or Android (100k+), reaching one million downloads for only 200 available Samsung...
  5. Are Some Flat-Screen TVs More Fragile than Others?

    Just got a new flat-screen TV, or thinking about getting one, and want to protect your investment? Do you know how fragile the screen is? Well, the answer is that it depends on what kind of television you have. In the world of flat-screen TVs, LCD and plasma sets are the two types currently being produced (and either will fit...